Terms and Conditions
Last updated on 1st July, 2021
The following terms and conditions govern all use of the www.ivybackup.com website, services, and products available at or through the website. By using the website you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
All prices on this website are stated in US Dollars and do not include VAT or sales tax if not stated otherwise.
Our software can be downloaded directly from our website. We use electronic software delivery therefore we do not ship hard copies. After successfully completing the purchase, you will receive your license key and invoice within one working day at most but usually within a few minutes via e-mail. Use the license key to unlock the trial version for immediate use.
Software Refund Policy
If you are not satisfied with Kudu Computing Ltd.’s software, contact us within 30 days of your purchase to receive a refund. You can also ask for purchase cancellation before receiving your license key. Refunds and purchase cancellation requested more than 30 days after your initial purchase date will not be resolved unless the transaction was subject to a fraudulent purchase. To refund your order or cancel your purchase please send an email to support@ivybackup.com with the name and email address you used during the order process so that we can identify your payment.
Usage of the website
Kudu Computing Ltd. reserves the right to modify the layout, content or configuration of this website, including these terms and conditions without prior notice. Further modifications don’t imply any sort of compensation to the user. The fact that the user continues to use the website implies acceptance of any modifications performed to the terms and conditions. It is therefore mandatory to check these terms and conditions on a regular basis. Your use of the website does not grant to you any ownership in any content, data, or materials you may access on or through the website. You may download any content contained on the website.
Exclusions and Limitations
The information on this site is provided “as is”. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Kudu Computing Ltd. excludes all representations and warranties relating to this website and its contents or which is or may be provided by any affiliates or any other third party, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions in this website. Kudu Computing Ltd. excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this website. Kudu Computing Ltd. is not responsible in any way for any damage that may be caused to the users of this website, or any other, by the illegal or improper use of said website, or the content and information available in it.
Copyright Information
Copyright to the documents and programs on this site is owned and/or performed by Kudu Computing Ltd. All rights reserved.
If you have comments or questions about our terms and conditions, please contact us at support@ivybackup.com