Archives: Knowledge Base

How do I create a file backup job?

If you’d prefer to watch a quick video explaining the process: From the top ribbon menu, select Add Job: This brings up the new job wizard. Give your job a descriptive title. Something you’ll easily remember. It’s also a good idea to add a description, especially as your backups get more complicated. Select the backup …

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How do I report a bug?

Please report any bugs you find to Please include: A detailed description of the problem. Your operating system (e.g. Windows 10 ). The version of IvyBackup ( Help>About ). A step-by-step description of how we can reproduce the problem. A screen capture (where appropriate). The step-by-step description is particularly important. If we can’t reproduce your problem, then …

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How do I contact customer support?

If you experience any technical problem with IvyBackup, please check that your question has not already been answered in this documentation or on the FAQ page. If you can’t find an answer in this documentation or on our web site, please write to support at: We will respond to you as soon as we can.

How do I edit IvyBackup settings?

To edit IvyBackup settings, select the Options option from the tools tab: This opens the settings window: General On the general tab, you can modify integration, temporary files, updates, and usage reporting. Integration: “Launch IvyBackup minimized on startup” – This sets IvyBackup to launch in minimized mode every time your computer is started. “Integrate with Windows Explorer” …

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What are pre/post backup actions?

A pre/post backup action is an action performed immediately before or after a backup is run. These actions can either be: a system shutdown, a user sign out, a system suspension (this will either hibernate or sleep the machine depending on the system configuration), a rush activity, or a command with optional arguments. For example, …

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What is a backup file filter?

A file or folder filter lets you further fine tune a backup job. If you want to include only certain files, add an include file filter. For example, to include only pdf files you would add: *.pdf as an include file filter. To add more than one include file filter, separate each filter by a comma (,). …

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